I got a problem with my Valiani, as some of you know I do a lot of shaped windows such as animals, elephants, bears , dogs and such, my customer send me her designs via email, I open them in CorelDraw and trace them. I then save them as a Corel file, then export them as PTL files, in the Valiani software I create a new mount then open the PLT file. I then do a test cut to make sure that it cuts as it should, if all is ok Ithen save the mount as a FU2 file. Then at a later date I open the FU2 file to cut the mount, it cuts different, sometimes putting extra cuts in like if going around a curve it will stop the blade extracts , turn a bit then inserts and carries on, you can see where the blade has been extracted or again going around a curve, it will cut in a series of straight cuts (but the test cut was fine), then when I try to close the file or open another mount, it will ask me if I want to save the mount, yesterday I open a FU2 file, then tried to close it, it asked me if I wanted to save it when I had not altered the file at all. I think that somehow the Valiain software is doing something to the files when it opens them, this only happens on designs I have done in CorelDraw. Help! this is driving me mad

, never knowing how it’s going to cut.