painting on mountboard

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painting on mountboard

Post by stcstc »

I was at an artshow in dublin over the weekend

one or two things caught my attention

1. about 60% of stuff was all framed the same :-( and the quality of the framing was shite!!!

2. the main point, one stand had some really stunning flower painintings . these paintings we painted over the mountboard. some of them had like say 3 layers of board with apertures in them, and the painting flowed over all the boards.some of the boards were colours too.

so my question, would these pieces be lightfast?, would mountboard be as stable as a medium as say watercolour paper?

or are people gonna buy them and watch the flowers fade and wilt in a short space of time!!!!

Re: painting on mountboard

Post by Roboframer »

Depending on who's board is used the surface paper could be better quality than the art paper, but the 'art is now probably against the glass - so, not good.

I've seen these things too - totallly tacky and 'orrible. How about extending the art to the frame (seen that too) then on to the wall, out the window and down the feckin' road.

Re: painting on mountboard

Post by stcstc »

these ones i quite liked, they were not extended they didnt have any paper just boards

yes the art was basically against the glass yes
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Re: painting on mountboard

Post by prospero »

I thought that particular gimmick died out about 1990. :P

What goes around come around. Must be Painted Mounts - the Next Generation. :lol:
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Re: painting on mountboard

Post by Graysalchemy »

Also depends what paints were used artists are devils for using carp materials.

I have an artist who paints emulsion paint over lining paper and no not a decorator.

I have to keep him away from my mount board scraps bin as if he paints on that they tend to be bowed and cockle and I end up with a load of weird shaped paintings which is no good when you are trying to standardise sizes and be economical with a sheet of board.
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Re: painting on mountboard

Post by standenfineart »

The version of Edvard Munch's 'The Scream' in the Norwegian National Gallery is listed as being painted in 1893 using oil, pastel and tempera on cardboard. Unfortunately it does not mention whether or not the cardboard was conservation grade, buffered, acid free or otherwise.

Re: painting on mountboard

Post by Graysalchemy »

It does annoy me that we are expected (and quite rightly so) to frame something so as it is detrimental to the image and yet the artist often doesn't give two Sh*tes about how it was created, but yet no one ever says anything.
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Re: painting on mountboard

Post by prospero »

I do. :lol:
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Re: painting on mountboard

Post by Graysalchemy »

Now why does that not supprise me.
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