Hi everyone, I have a problem every time I want to access the forum, I receive the next message
Either the address you are accessing this site from has been banned for previous malicious behavior or the action you attempted is considered to be hostile to the proper functioning of this system.
The detected reason(s) you were blocked are:
Spam host."
I dont know what happened because I have never post any spam!, but since march of this year, Im blocked every time I want to access the forum from my location (argentina); I can only connect to the forum via a proxy server (like Im doing right now)
Is there any solution for this issue?
This is the complete Message I receive, thanks in advance for the help!
Either the address you are accessing this site from has been banned for previous malicious behavior or the action you attempted is considered to be hostile to the proper functioning of this system.
The detected reason(s) you were blocked are:
Spam host.
Your IP, and Domain Name (if resolvable) has been logged to a local honeypot, along with the referring page (if any), QUERY, POST, User Agent, time of access, and date. Please either 1. Stop the bad behavior, or 2. Cease accessing this system.
Your connection details:
Record #: 16325
Time: Mon, 11 Jun 2012 13:41:10 -0700
Running: 0.4.10a2
Host: host11.186-124-196.telecom.net.ar
Stripped Query:
User Agent: Mozilla/5.0 (Windows NT 5.1) AppleWebKit/536.5 (KHTML, like Gecko) Chrome/19.0.1084.52 Safari/536.5
Reconstructed URL: http:// theframersforum.com /
Generated by ZB Block 0.4.10a2
Problems Accesing the forum: 403 FORBIDDEN!
- Keith Hewitt
- Posts: 1286
- Joined: Mon 28 Jun, 2004 9:49 am
- Location: BOLLINGTON - Macclesfield England
- Organisation: www.keithhewitt.co.uk
- Interests: Badminton, golf, gym, and exploring new places.
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Re: Problems Accesing the forum: 403 FORBIDDEN!
Its night time here, but I'm sure on Tuesday you will get an answer
I like your website
- especially the web counter at the end 
I like your website

Keith Hewitt
I have visited distributors and framers in over 100 countries - no two are the same.
I have visited distributors and framers in over 100 countries - no two are the same.
Re: Problems Accesing the forum: 403 FORBIDDEN!
Hi Gustavo,
I also had this problem at the end of March form my computer at work in England and also trying to access while on holiday in Moscow.
I emailed John and he sorted it out.
I also had this problem at the end of March form my computer at work in England and also trying to access while on holiday in Moscow.
I emailed John and he sorted it out.
- John
- Site Admin
- Posts: 1887
- Joined: Sun 27 Apr, 2003 8:00 pm
- Location: Ireland
- Organisation: Tech Support
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- Location: Belfast
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Re: Problems Accesing the forum: 403 FORBIDDEN!
Hi Gustavo,
Your host, telecom.net.ar, has got itself on to a list of providers that do little or nothing to prevent its users from spamming (and worse).
As a security measure, the forum blocks traffic from all hosts on the list, and it is just unfortunate for you that your host provides a safe haven for spammers as well as legitimate users. It is no reflection on you that you have been denied access.
Many thanks for raising this issue. Steps have been taken to ensure that in future you will have full, unhindered, access to the forum. However, if you continue to have problems, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
Your host, telecom.net.ar, has got itself on to a list of providers that do little or nothing to prevent its users from spamming (and worse).
As a security measure, the forum blocks traffic from all hosts on the list, and it is just unfortunate for you that your host provides a safe haven for spammers as well as legitimate users. It is no reflection on you that you have been denied access.
Many thanks for raising this issue. Steps have been taken to ensure that in future you will have full, unhindered, access to the forum. However, if you continue to have problems, please don't hesitate to get in touch.
HOW Much!?
EstLite Picture Framing Software
EstLite Picture Framing Software
- Posts: 11
- Joined: Wed 29 Sep, 2010 7:38 pm
- Location: Villa Ballester - Buenos Aires
- Organisation: Míralo
- Interests: Framing, Art, Design
Re: Problems Accesing the forum: 403 FORBIDDEN!
woohoo!! Im here again without any problems!
Thank you very much John! This forum is so important to me because here in Argentina we have so little, -almost nothing- information and news about framing; thanks to all the knowledge every member share here I can learn and improve everyday.
And yes, my host "telecom" really sucks, but its the only internet provider we have here in the part of the city were I live
, sorry about the spam problems!
Thanks again John and thanks everyone for this great framer's forum! And Keith thanks, glad you like the little blog !
Thank you very much John! This forum is so important to me because here in Argentina we have so little, -almost nothing- information and news about framing; thanks to all the knowledge every member share here I can learn and improve everyday.

And yes, my host "telecom" really sucks, but its the only internet provider we have here in the part of the city were I live

Thanks again John and thanks everyone for this great framer's forum! And Keith thanks, glad you like the little blog !