I probably should have used a suitable emoticon!
Of course there's more to framing than ..... framing, like making the tea, sweeping the floor .......... and, sure, from time to time, recognising certain types of artwork for what they are if the customer has no idea ... and impressing those that have, be those certain types valuable/collectible or a total load of carp.
My point was that I
(generally) have no need to get involved in discussions about what an item is worth in money, sentiment or anything else, because I know my default methods and materials won't harm it - I can just forget about that bit and concentrate on what looks best, which, along with cost, is all the average punter is interested in.
Framerpicture wrote:All jobs are demarcated, so we have a dedicated mount cutter, frame cutter/maker etc who are just machine operators ( why would I want to train potential competitors in all aspects of framing?)
I've never seen an employee as a potential competitor; no-one previously employed by me has competed with me and to be honest I wouldn't care if one did!
I run a one-to-one course aimed mainly at those wanting to move from a workshop only (be it home based or otherwise) to a shop - and I wouldn't worry a jot if that was in a neighbouring town or village - or - if I lived in a large town/city - the same one. Although I did once receive a CV from someone who actually said s/he wanted to start a framing business locally - didn't make the interview - I replied offering my course
Anyway - all your framers could get together and form their own framing business, they could quickly teach each other their individual skills and open up across the road